Thursday, May 15, 2014


Manifest Content: the remembered storyline of a dream.
Latent Content: the underlying meaning of a dream
Why do we dream?
Freud's wish-fulfillment Theory
*dreams are the key to understanding our inner conflicts.
* idea and thoughts that are hidden in out unconscious
* manifest and lantent content
Information-processing Theory
*Dreams act to sort out and understand the memories that you experience that day.
* REM sleep does increase after stress event.
Physiological function theories
that studies the soul, the mind, and the relationship of life and mind to the functions of the body
Activation-synthesis Theory
* during the night our brainstem releases random neural activity, dreams may be a way to make sense of that activity

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sleep disorders

* persistent problems falling asleep
* affects 10% of the population
* suffer from sleeplessness and may fall asleep at unpredicatble or inapporpriate times.
* directly into REM sleep
* less than .001% of the population

Sleep Apnea
* a person stops breathing during their sleep.
* wake up momentarily, gasps for air then falls back asleep.
* very common, especially in heavy males
Night Terrors
*sleep disorder characterized by high arousal and an appearance of being terrified.
* Occur in stage 4 not REM, and are not often remembered
Sleepwalking (somnambulism)
* sleepwalking is a sleep disorder afftecting an estimated 10 % of all humans at least once in their lives.
* sleep walking most often occur during deep non-REM sleep (stage 3 or stage 4 sleep) early in the night.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

State of Consciousness


*Sleep is a state of consciousness
* we are less aware of our surrounding
Consious, Subconscious, Unconscious
Why do we daydream
* they can help us prepare for future events.
* they can nourish our social development
* can substitute for impulsive behavior
Fantasy Prone Personalities
* someone who imagines and recalls experiences with lifelike vividness and who spends considerable time fantasizing.
Biological Rhythms
Annual cycles: seasonal variations (bears hibernation, seasonal affective disorder)
28 day cycles: menstrual cycle.
24 hour cycle: our circadian rhythm.
90 minute cycle: sleep cycles.
Circadian Rhythm
*our 24 hour biological clock.
* our body temperature and awareness changes throughout the day.
* it is best to take a test or study during your circadian peaks.
Sleep Stage
* There are 5 identified stages of sleep.
* takes about 90-100 to pass through all 5 waves
* the brain's waves will change according to the sleep stage you are in
* the first five stages are known as NREM sleep.
* the fifth stage is called REM sleep.
Stage 1
*kind of awake and kind of asleep.
* only lasts a few minuets and you usually only experience it once a night
* eyes begin to roll slightly
* your brain produces theta waves ((high amplitude, low frequency (slow))
Stage 2
* this follows stage 1 sleep and is the "baseline of sleep".
* this stage is part of the 90 minuet cycle and occupies approximately 45-60% of sleep.
* more theta waves that get progressively slower
Stage 3
* slow wave sleep
* you produce Delta waves
* if awoken you will be groggy
* vital for restoring body's growth hormones and good overall health.
Stage three & four
*may last 15-30 minuets
* it is called "slow wave" sleep because brain activity slows down dramatically from the "theta" rhythm for Stage 2 to a much slower rhythm called "delta" and the height or amplitude of the waves increases dramatically
Stage Three and four
* contrary to popular belief, it is delta sleep that is the "deepest" stage of sleep (not REM) and the most restorative
* it is delta sleep that a sleep-deprived persons brain craves the first and foremost.
* in children, delta sleep can occupy up to 40% of all sleep time and this is what makes children unworkable or "dead asleep" during most of the night.
REM Sleep
* rapid eye movement
* often called paradoxical sleep
* brain is very active.
* dreams usually occur in REM sleep.
* body is essentially paralyzed.
* composes 20-25% of normal nights sleep.
* breathing, heart rate and brain wave activity quicken.
* vivid dreams can occur.
* from REM, you go back to stage 2

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ratio Schedules

Operant conditoning
* takeing away things
* response
Classical conditioning
* stimulus occured before the behavior
Reinforcement , used to increase a desired behavior
Punishment, used to decrease a unwanted behavior
Fixed Ratio
* provides a reinforcement after a set number of responses
Variable ratio
Interval Schedules
Fixed interval
* requires a set amount of time to elapse before giving the reinforcment
Variable interval
*requires a random amount of time to elapse before giving the reinforcement
*very hard to get acquisition but also very resistant to extinction.
Observational Learning
*Albert Bandura
BoBo doll
* we learn through modeling behaviot from others.
*Obeservational learning + Operant conditioning= social learning Theory
Laten learning
* Edward Toleman
* Three rat experiment
* Latent means hidden.
*sometimes learning is not immeditate
Insight Learning
* wolfgang Kohler and his chimpanzees.
* some animals learn though the "ah ha" experience.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Operant Conditioning

The learner is NOT passive. Learning based consequence!!
Operant Conditioning
*a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by reinforcement or diminished if followed by punishment
Classical v. Operant
* They both use acquisitioning, discrimination, SR, generalization and extinenction
* classical conditioning is automatic
*Respondent Behavior)
* dogs automatically salivate over meat, then bell no thinking involved
* operant conditioning involves behavior where one can influence their environment with behaviors which have consequences
Operant behavior
The Law effect
* Edward Thorndike
Rewarded behavior is likely to recur.
B.F Skinner
* a procedure in operant conditioning in which reinforcers guid behavior closer and cloer towards a goal.
Operant Conditioning Chamber
* any event that strengthens the behavior it follows
* two types of reinforcement
Positive and negative
Positive Reinforcment
* strengthens a response by presenting a stimulus after a response.
Negative Reinforcement
*strengthens a response by reducing or removing an averive stimulus
Primary Reinforcer
* an innately reinforcing stimulus
Conditioning (secondary) Reinforcer
* a stimulus that gains it reinforcing power through its association with primary reinforcer.
* an event that decreases the behaviot that it follows
Continuous Reinforcement
* reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs
Partial Reinforcement
* Reinforcing a response only part of the time
* the acquisition process is slower.
* greater resisitance ro extinction.
Fixed-ratio Schedules
* A schedules that reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses
Variable-ratio Schedule
*a schedule of reinforcement that reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses
Fixed-interval Schedual
* a schedual of reinforcment that reinforcment that reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed
variable-interval schedule
*a schedule of reinforcement that reinforces a response at unpredictable time interval

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Most learning associative learning
* learning that certain events occur together

Three main types of learning

*classical Conditioning
* it started with Ivan Pavlov

Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): a stimulus that naturally and automatically triggers a response

Unconditional Response (UCR): the unlearned naturally occuring response to the UCS

Conditioned Stimulus (CS): An originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with the UCS, comes to trigger response.

Conditioned Response (CR): the learned response to previously neutral stimulus.

* the Initial stage of learning
* the phrase where the neutral stimulus is associated with the UCS so that the neutral stimulus comes to elicit the CR ( thus becoming the CS )

*The diminishing of a conditional response

Spontaneous Recovery
* The reapperearance. After a rest period of an extinuished conditioned response.

*The tendency, once a response has been conditioned for stimuli similar to the CS to elicit similar responses.

*the learned ability to dishinguish between CS and other stimuli that does not signal UCS.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


* The process of information into the memory

* the retention of encoded material over time.
* pressing Crtl S and saving info

* Process of getting the information out of memory storage

Recall v. Recognition
*with recall - you must retrive the information from your memory (fill in the blank test)
*with recognition- you must identify the target from possible targets (multiple-choice test)

Flashbulb Memory
* A clear moment of an emotionally significant moment or event

Types of Memory
* Sensory Memory
* Short term memory

Sensory Memory
*immediate, initial recording of sensory information in the memory system
* stored just for an instant and most gets unprocessed

Short term Memory
* memory that holds a few items breifly
* seven digits (plus of minus two)
*the info will be stored into longer term or forgotten.

Working memory
*antoher way of describing the use of short term is called working memory
* working- memory has three parts
1. Audio
2. Visual
3. Integration of audio and visual (controls where you attention lies)

Long Term Memory
* the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system

Automatoc Processing
*unconscious encoding of incidental information
* you encode space, tome and word meaning withour effort
* things can become automatic with practice

Effortful Processing
*Encoding that requires attention and conscious effort
*Rehearsal is the most common effortful processing technique
* Through enough rehearsal, what was effortful become automatic

Next in line effect
* we seldom remember what the person has just said or done if we are next

Spacing effect
* we encode better when we study or practice over times

Serial Postioning effect
* Our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list.

Types of encoding
* semantic encoding : the encoding of meaning like the meaning of words

* acoustic encoding: the encoding of sound, especially the sounds of words

* visual encoding: the encoding of picture images

Tricks to Encode
* Use Imagery: mental pictures
Mnemonic Devices use Imagery. Like my "peg word" system or...

* Organizing items into familiar manageable units

* Explicit
(With conscious recall
* fact-gerneral knowledge
* Personally experienced events

* with out concious recall
* skulls motor cognitive
*classical and operant conditioning effects

Types of Retrieval Failure
Proactive Interference
*the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Types of Retrieval failure
*Retroactive Interference
* The disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information.

Misinformation Effect
*incorporating misleading information into ones memory of an event

Thursday, April 10, 2014


* receptors located in our skin
* Gate Control Theory of Pain
* the spinal cord a neuralogical gate that blocks, pain signals, or allows them to pass on to the brain

Vestibular Sense
* tells us where our body is oriented in spac
*Our sense of balance

Kinesthetic Sense
* Tells us where our body parts are.
* Receptirs locate in our muscles and joints.

* the process or organizing and interpreting information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events.

Gestalt Philosophy
* the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Figure Ground Relationships
* The organization of the visual field into objects (figures)
That stand out from their surroundings

* The perceptual tendency to organize stimuli into groups that we understand

Depth Perception
* the ability to see objects in three dimenstions although the images that strike the retina are two dimesional
* allows us to judge distance

*visual cliff

Binocular Cues
* Rentinal Disparity: a binocular cue for seeing depth
* the closer an object comes to you the greater the dispairty is between the two images

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Transduction Continued

Order is Rods/Cones to Bipolar to Ganglion to Optic never

Paralle processong

Color vision
* Three types of cones
* red
* these three types of cones can make millions of combinations of colors.
*most colorblind people simply lack cone receptor cells for one or more of these primary

Opponetnt-Process theory
*the sensory receptors
* if one color is stimulated

*the height of wave gives us the amplitude of the sound
* the frequency of the wave gives us the pitch of the sound

The Ear

Transductions in the ear
* sound waves hit the eardrum
Then anvil then hammer then
Stirrup then oval window
* everything is just vibrating
* then the cochlea viberates
* the cochlea is lined with mucus called basilar membrane.
* in basilar membrane there are hair cells.
* when hair cells vibrate they turn vibrations into neural impilses which are called organ of Corti
* sent then to the thalamus up auditory nerve

Pitch theory
Place theory
* different hairs vibrate in the cochlea when there are different pitches.
*so some hair vibrate when they hear high pitches and other viberate when they hear low pitches.

Frequency Theory
* all the hairs vibrate but all different speeds.

Conduction Deafness
* something goes wrong with the sound and the vibration on the way to the cochlea
* you can replace the bones or get hearing aid to help

Nerve (sensorineural) Deafness
* the hair cells in the cochlea get dammaged
* loud noises can cough this type of deafness
*NO WAY to replace the hairs
* cochlea implant is possible

Smell and Taste
* Sensory Interaction: the princeple that one sense may influence another.

* we have bumps on our tongue called papillae
* Taste buds are located on the papillae ( they are actually all over the mouth*
*sweet, salty, sour, and bitter, hot spicy,
UMAMI- flavorful, meaty, saviory taste pollo asido

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Types of intelligence

Crystallized Intelligence
* Accumulated knowledge.
* Increases with age.
Fluid Intelligence
* Ability to solve problems quickly and think abstractly
* peaks in the 20's then decreases over time
Moral Development
* Three Stage Theory by Lawrence Kohlberg!!
Pre-Conventional Morality
* morality based on rewards and punishments
* if you were rewarded then it is OK.
* If you are punished, the act must be wrong.
Conventional Morality
*Look at morality based on how others see you
* if your peers, or society, thinks it is wrong, then so do you.
Post-Conventional Morality
* Based on self-defined ethical principles
* your own personal set of ethics.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


* children view the world through schemas ( as do adults for the most part)
* schemas are ways we interpret the world around us
* it is basically what you picture in your head when you think of anything
* incorporating new experiences
* changing an existing schema to adopt to new information
Stages of cognitive development
* sensorimotor stage
* experiences the world through our senses
* do not have object permanence
Preoperational Stage
* have object permanence
* begin to use language to represent objects and ideas
* Egocentric: cannot look at the world through anyones eyes but their own.
* conservation refers to the idea that a quantity remains the same despotr changes in appearance and Is part of logical thinking.
Concrete Operational Stage
* can demonstrate concept of conservation
* learn to logically
Formal Operational Stage
* abstract reasoning
*manipulate objects in our minds without seeing them
* hypothesis testing
* trial and Error
* metacognition
* not every adult gets to this stage

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


* inborn automatic responses
*rooting, tendency, when touched by the cheek to open mouth and search for the nipple

* physical growth regardless of environment

* the period of sexual maturation during which a person becomes capable of reproducing.

Primary Sexual Characteristics
* Body structure that make reproduction possible.
* penis, testes, vagina ovaries

Secondary sexual Characteristics
* Non-reproductive sexial chracteristics
Females- widening of the hips, breast development
Males- hair, and deeper voice
Landmarks for puberty
* Menarche for girls
*first ejaculation for boys (spermarche)

Physical Milestone
* Menopause, they can't have children, no period

* Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's
Stages of Death/Grief
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

Social Development
* at about a year, infant develp Stranger anxeity.
* display anxiety.
* seperation anxeity-  seperation leaves sociological promblems

* Harry Harlow and his monkeys .
* Harry showed that Monkeys needed touch to form attachment.

Critical Periods: the optimal period shortly after birth when an organisms exposure to certain stimuli or experiences produced proper development.
* those who are deprived of touch have a trouble forming attachment when they are older

Types of Attachment
Mary Ainsworth strange situation.
1. Secure
2. Avoidant
3. Anxious/ ambivalent

Parenting Styles
* Authoritarian Parents - parents are the boss
* Permissive Parents. - the kids are in charge
* Authoritative Parents - parents and kids compromise

Erik Erikson
* A neo-Freudian
* worked in Anna Freud
* though our personality was influenced by our experienxes.

Trust vs. Mistrust
0-2 years of stage
* can a baby trust the world to fulfill its needs"
* the trust or mistrust they develop can carry on with the child

Autonomy V. Shame & Douby
* Toddlers begin to control their bodies (toilet training)
* control Temper Tantrums
* "No"
* can they learn control or will they doubt themselves.

Initiative V. Guilt
* Word turns from "No" to "why"
* want to understand the world and ask questions.
* is there curiousity encouraged or scolded

Industry V. Inferiority
* school begins
* we are for the first time evaluated by a formal system and our peers.
* do we feel good or bad about accomplishments?
* can lead to us feeling bad about ourseleves for the rest of our lives... inferiority complex.

Identity C. Role Confusion.
* In our teenage years we try out different roles.
* who am I?
* what group do I fit in with?

Intimacy V. Insolation.
* have to balance work and relationships.
* what are my priorities?

Generativity V. Stagnation
* is everything going as planned?
* am I happy with what I Created.
* Mid-Life crisis

Integrity V. Despair
* Look back on life
* was my life
meaningful or do I have regret?

Cognitive Development
* it was though that kids were just stupid versions of adults.
* then came along Jean Paiget
* kids learn differently than adults.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Cerebrat Cortex is made up of four lobes

Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Occipital Lobe, and Temporal Lobe
Frontal Lobe
*Abstract thought emotional control
*Containes Motor Cortex: sends signals to our body controlling muscle movements
*Broca's: Responsible for controlling muscles that porduce speech
* Damage to Broca's Area is called Broca's Aphasia: unable to make movments to talk
Parietal Lobes:
*Contain sensory cortex: receives incoming touch sensations from the rest of the body
* Most od the parietal lobes are made up of Association Areas
Assiociation Areas:
* any area not associated with receving sensory information of coordinating muscle movements.
Occipital Lobes
* deals with vision contains Visuals Cortex.
*interperts messages from our eyes into images we can understand.
Temporal Lobes
* Process sound sensed by our ears.
* Interpreted in audiory cortex
* Contains Wernike's Area: interprets written and spoken speech.
* Wernike's Aphasia: unable to understand language: the syntax and grammar jumbled.
Endocrine System
*System of glands that screte hormones.
*similar to nervous system except hormones work a lot slower than neurotansmitters.
Hypothalamus: (brain region controlling the pituitary gland)
Thyroid gland: affects metabolism among other things
Pituitary Gland: Secretes many different hormones, somes of which affects other gland
Parathyroids:(help regulate the level of calcium in the blood)
Adrenal Glands:( inner part called the medulla, helps trigger the "fight or flight" response
Pancreas: regulates the level of sugar in the blood
Testis: male sex hormones
Ovary: femal sex hormones

Monday, March 17, 2014


* Located in back of our head-means little brain.
*coordinates muscle movements
*like tracking target

* In Forebrain
* Receives sensory information sends them to appropriate areas of forebrain.
* Like a switchboard.
* Everything but smell

Limbic System
* Emotional control center
* Made up of hypothalamus, Amygdala and Hippocampus

* Pea sized in brain but plays a not so peasized role.
* Body temperature
* Hunger
* Thirst
* Sexual Arousal (libido)

Hippocampus and Amygdala
* Hippocampus- is involved in memory processing
*Amygdala- is vital for our basic emotions

Cerebral Cortex
* Top layer of our brain
* Containes wrinkles called fissures increases surface area of our preain.
* Laid out it would be about the size of a large pizza

* divided into a left and right hemispher
*a contralateral controlled left controls right side of bodt and vice versa
* Lefties are better at spatial and creative tasks
* righties are better are better at logic

Split-Brain Patients
* Corpus Collosum attaches the two hemispheres of cerebral cortex
*when removed you have a split-brain patient.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Biological School

The Nervous System
* it starts with an individual nerve cell called a NEURON
Neurotrainmitters (chemicals held in terminal buttons that travel through synaptic gap)
Terminal branches of axons (form junctions with other cells)
Cells body (the cels life support center
Dendrites (receive messages from other cells)
Axon (passages message away from the cell body to other neurons muscles or glands)
Myelin sheath (covers the axon of some neurons and helps speed neural impulses
Neural impulse ( electrical signal traveling down the axon)
Synapse allows a electrical singel to pass to another cell
How does a neuron fire
* Resting Potential:
* slightly negative charge
*Reach the threshold when enough neurotranmitters reach dendrites
Its a eletrochemical process
* Electrical inside the neuron
* Chemical outside the neuron (in the synapse in the form of a neurotransmitter).
* The firing is call Action Potential.
The All or None Response
* the idea that either the n
* Chemical messengers released by terminal buttons through the synapse.
* we should know atleast 4 types
Acetylcholine (ACH)
* Deals with motor movement and memory.
*too much and you will
* too little and you will
* the lack of ACH been linked to Alzheimer's disease.
* Deals with Motor movements and alertness.
* Lack of dopamine has been linked to Parkinsons disease
* Too much has been linked to Schiophernia.
* Involved in mood control
* Lack of serotonin has been linked to clincial depression
* Involved in pain control.
* many of our most addictive drugs deal with endorphins
Drugs can be....
* Agonists... Make neuron fire
* Antagonists... Stop neural firing
Sensory Neurons
(Afferent Neurons)
*take information from the senses to the brain.
Inter Neurons
* Take messages from Sensory Neurons to other parts of the brain or to motor Neurons
Motor Neurons ( Efferent Neurons)
* take information from the brain to the rest of the body
Central Nervous System
* the brain and the spinal cord
Periheral Nervous system
* all nerves that are not encased in bone
*everything but the brain and spinal cord
*is divided into two categories... somatic and
Somatic Nervous System
*Controls Voluntary muscle movments
*uses motor (efferent) neurons
Autonomic Nervous System
* Controls the automatic functions of the body
*divided into two categories the symapatheic and Parasympathetic
Sympathetic Nervous System
*Fight or flight response
* Automatically accelerates heart rate, breathing, dilates, pupils, slows, down digestion

Monday, March 3, 2014

James-Lange Theory of Emotion

* Experience of emotion is awarness of physiological
responses to emotion arousing stimuli
*sight of oncoming car (perception of stimulus)
* pounding heart (arousal)
*fear (emotion)

* We feel emotion because of biological caused by stress.
* The body changes and our mind recognizes the feeling.

Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion
* Emotion-arousing stimuli simultaneously trigger:
* physiological responses
* subjective experience of emotion

Schachter's Two-Factor Theory of Emotion
* To experience emotion to one must:
* be physically aroused
* cognitively label the arousal

Emotion-Lie Detectors
* machine commonly used in attempts to detect lies
* measures several of the physiological responses accompanying emttion
    * perspiration
    * cardiovascular
    * breathing changes
Experienced Emotion
* emotional release
* catharsis hypothesis
  * "releasing" aggressive enerfy (through action or fantasy) relieves aggressive urges

Feel-good, Do-good Phenomenon
* people's tendency to be helpful when already in good mood.

Adaptation-Level Phenomenon
* tendency to form judgments relative to "neutral" level
  * brightness of lights
  * volume of sounds
  * level of income
* defined by our prior experienced

Relative Dprivation
* perception that one is worse of relative to those with whom one comapres oneself

Achievemnt Motivation

Instrinsic Motivators
* Rewards we get internally such as enjoyment or satisfaction
Extrinsic Motivators
* Rewards that we get for accomplishments from outside ourselves (grades or money or etc..)
Management Theory
Theory X
* Managers believes that employees will work only if rewarded with benefits or threatened with punishments.
* Think employees are Extrinsically Motivated.
* Only interested in Maslows lower need.
Theory Y
* Managers believe that employees are internally motivated to do good work and polices should encourage this internal motive.
* Interested in Maslow's higher needs.

Friday, February 28, 2014

How does Hypothalamus Work

Two Theories
* Leptin is a protein produced by bloated fat cells.
* hypothalamus senses reises in leptin and will curb eating and increase activity
*can leptin injections help me?
Set Point
* Hypothalamus acts like a thermostat.
* We are meant to be in a certain weight range
*when we fall below weight our body will increase hunger and decrease energy expenditure (Basic Metabolic Rate)
Body Chemistry
* Glucose
* The hormone insulin converts glucose to fat.
* When glucose levels drop-hunger increases.
Hypothalamus & Hormones

* the hypothalamus monitors a number of hormones that are related to hunger.
Orexin increase
Ghrelin increases
Insuline increases
Leptin increase
PPY increase
Fat cells
Digestive tract
Increase hunger
Increase hunger
Increase hunger
Decrease hunger
Decrease hunger
The Psychology of Hunger
*Externals: people whose eating is triggered more by the presence of food than internal factors
Eating Disorder
Bulimia Nervosa
* characterized by binging (eating large amounts of food and purging ( getting rid of the food)
Anorexia Nervosa
* Starce themselves to below 85% of their normal body weight.
*see themselves as fat
* vast mahority are woman

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Motivation and Emotion

Motivation and Emotion

*A need or desire that energizes and directs behavior.
* Instinct Theory: we are motivated by our inborn automated behaviors.
*but instincts only explain why we do a small fractions of our behaviors.
Drive-Reduction Theory
* The idea that a physiological need creates an aroused tension state (a drive) that motivates an organism to satisfy the need.
* the need is usually to maintain homeostasis
* we are not only pushed by our needs but....
Pulled by our incentives: a positive or negative environmental stimulus that motivates behavior.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
* Abraham Maslow said we are motivated by needs, and all needs are not created equal.
*we are driven to satisy the lower level needs first.
* Hunger is both physiological and psychological.
* washburns studies showed hunger was paritally related to the stomach
*hunger does NOT come from our stomach
* it comes from the Brain
*what part of the brain?
* The Hypothalamus
* Lateral Hypothalamus
*when stimulated it makes you hunger
*when lesioned you will never be hunger
* Ventromedial Hypothalamus
*when stimulated you feel full
*when lesioned you will never feel full again

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Just World Phenonmenon

It is believed that those who suffere deserve there fate
*Reciprocity norm- expectation to help those who have helped you
*Social Responsibility- the expectation that people will help those who depened on them
*prisoners dilemma, you don't know what the other is confessing.
Attraction 5 factors
Proximity- Geographic nearness
Mere exposure effect
* repeated exposure to something breeds liking
Mirror image concept.
Reciprocal Liking
* you are more likely to like someone who likes you
* Paula Abdul was wrong-opposites do not attract.
*birds of the same feather do flock together
*similarity breeds content
Physical Attractiveness
* physically attractiveness predicts dating frequency
* healthier, happier, and honest.
* Passionate love- an aroused state of intense positive for another
* Compassionate love- the deep affectionate attachment we feel for those with whom our lives are intertwined.
What makes compassionate love work?
* unselfish regard for the welfare of others.
*kitty genovese case
* bystander effect (bystanders less willing to help if there are other bystanders around)
Social Exchange Theory
* the idea that our social behavior is exchange proxess, which we maximise benefits and minimze costs.
*Give people superordinate (shared) goals that can only be achieved through cooperation
* win win situations through mediation
*Grit (graduated and repciprocated initiatives in tension reduction)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Social Relations

Social Relations
* Attractions
* Conflict and Prejudice
* Altruism and Peacemaking
* Aggression

* An unjustifiable attitude towards a group of people.
* usually inloves stereotyped beliefs (a generalized belief about a group of people)
Social Inequalities
*Ingroup: "us" people with whom one shares a common identity.
*outgroup: "them" those perceived as different than one's ingroup
*Ingroup Bias: the tendency to favor one's own group
* the theory that prejudice provides an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame.
* any physical verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy
The Pyschology of Aggression
frustration-Aggressive principle:
* the blocking of an attempt to achieve some goal
*creates anger which generates aggression
* a perceived incompatibility of actions, goals or ideas
* social trap or prisoner's dilemma.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Social Influence

* Adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard.
Asch's Study
*  standard lines and comparison line
Conditions that strengthen conformity
* one is made to feel incompletent
* the group is at least 3 people
* the group is unanimous
* one admires the group's status
* one had made no prior commitment
* the person is observed
Reasons for Conforming
Normative social influence
* Influence resulting from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disappointment
Informative Social Influence
* Influence resulting from one's willingness to accept others' opinions about reality
* Milgram's Experiments
Group Influence On Behavior
Social Facilitation
* Improved performance of tasks in the presence of others.
* Occurs with simple or well learned tasks.
*not with tasks that are difficult or not yet mastered.
Social Loafing
* The tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling efforts toward a common goal than if they were individually accountable.
* the loss of self awarness and self restraint occuring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity
Group Polarization
* the concept that a group's attitude is one of extremes and rarely moderate.
* very extreme
* as a group both the black panthers, and the kkk are more extreme than the average individual in the group
Group think
* the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides common sense.
Self-fulfilling Prophecies
* occurs when one person's belief about others leads one to act in ways that induce the others to appear to confirm the belief.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Soical Psychology

Social Psychology
The study of how we think about, influence and relate to one another.
Social Thinking
* how do we think about another
Attribution Theory
* the idea that we give a casual explanation for someone's behavior
* we credit that behavior either to the situation or.
Fundamental Attribution Error
* the tendency to understimate the impact of situation and overestimate the impact of personal disposition.
* A belief or feeling that predisposes one to respond in a particular way to something.
More often, our actions affect our attitudes
Foot-in-the-door phenonmenon
* the tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request.
Door-in-face phenonmenon
* the tendency for people who say no to a huge request, to comply with a smaller one
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
* we do not like when we have either conflicting attitudes or when our attitudes do not match our actions
* when they clash, we will change our attitude to create balance.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Experiment Research

* Explores cause and effect relationships
Ex. Eating too many bananas causes constipation

* Experimentation is all about manipulating and controlling variables
Independent variable- the experimental factore that is being manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied
Dependent variable- the variable that may change in response to manipulations of IV; the variable that is being measured
Experimental and Control Group
* Experimental group- The condition of an experiment that exposes participants to the treatment.
* Control Group- the condition of the experiment that serves as a comparison for evaluating the effect of the treatment.
Experimental Method
* Blind study: subject are unaware if assigned to experimental or control group
* Double-Blind study: neither subjects nor experimenters know which group is control or experimental
Descriptive statistics VS inferential Statistics
* Descriptive statistics- describe the results of research
* inferential- statistics are used to make an inference or draw a conclusion beyond the raw data.
Measures of Central Tendency
*Central Tendency: Where does the center of the data tend to be?
*Mode: The most frequently occuring score in distribution
*Mean- the arithmetic average of scores in all distribution
*Median: the Middle score in a rank- ordered distribution
*Range: the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution
Measures of variation

Standard Deviation: computed measures of how much vary around the mean
Descriptive Satistics Summary
* Measures of Central

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Types of Research

Types of Research

Describe what we see
Any research that observes and records.
Types of decriptive research
*the case study
*The survey
*Naturalistic Observation
Case study
*A detailed picture of one or a few subjects.
The Survey
*Where one person (situation) is observed in depth.
Survery Method
*Most common type of study in psychology
*Measures correlation
*Use interview, mail, phone, internet
*Cheap and fast
*Low respond rate
Random Sampling
*Identify the population you want to study
*The sample must be representative of the population you want to study
Why do we sample?
*one reason is the _False_Consensus_Effect_. The tendency to over estimate the extent to which others share our beliefs and behaviors.
Survey Method: The Bad
* Low Response Rate
* People Lie or Just Misinterpret
* Wording effects
Naturalistic Oberservation
* Watch subjects in their natural environment
* Do not manipulate the environment
* The good is that there is the Hawthorne Effect
Hawthorne Effect
* Just the fact that you know you are in an experiment can cause change.
Correlational Method
* Correlation expresses a relationship between two variables.
* Does not show causation
- as more ice cream is eaten more people are murdered
Measured using a Correlation Coefficient
* a number that measures the strength of a relationship.
* the relationship gets weaker the closer you get to zero.
Types of Correlation
Positive Correlation
* the variables go in the Same direction
Negative Correlation
* the variables go in opposite directions

Types of Research

Hindsight Bais
The tendency to believe, after learning the outcome, that you knew it all along
Over confidence
We tend to think we know more than we do
82% of u.s drivers consider themselves to bein the top 30% of their group in terms of safety.
The Barnum Effect
It is the tendency for people to accept very general or vague characterizations of themselves and take them to be accurate.
Applied V. Vasic Research
Applied research has clear, practical applications
You can see it
Basid research explores questions that you may be curious about, but not intended to be immediately used.
Expresses a relationship between two variables
A variable is anything that can vary amound participants in a study
Participating in class leads to better grades than not participating
Independent Variable
Whatever is being manipulated in the experiment
Dependent Variable
What ever is being measured in the experiment
Operational Definitions
Explain what you mean in your hypothesis
How will the variables be measured in "real life" terms.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Pyschological Theories

Biomedical therapies- that focus on a treatments the brain, drugs, psycho surgery, therapy.
-it used to be that if someone exhibited deinstitutionalization

-Freud's Therapy
-Freud's used free association, hypnosis
and dream interpretation to gain insight into client unconscious
II Humanistic therapy
-focuses of people potential for set fulfillment
-focuses on the present and future
-focuses unconscious though
-take responsibility for your actions- instead of blaming childhood anxieties
-group therapy

Self help support group
 -most widely used humanistic technique is client (person0 continued therapy
-therapist should use genuine acceptance and empathy to show unconditional/positive regard towards their clients
-developed by Carl Rogers

III Behavior Therapist
- therapy that applies learning principles to the elimination of unwanted behaviors
-the behaviors are the problems we must change the behaviors

Systematic Desensitization
-a type of contradiction that associates a pleasant relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety triggering stimuli
exposure therapy- form of demonstration were the client directly confident the anxiety provoking stimulus's

Aversive Conditioning
-associates with an unpleasant state with an unwanted behavior
token Economy: an operant conditioning procedure that rewords a desired behavior exchanges token of some sort, , earned for exhibiting that desired

IV Cognitive Therapies
- a therapy that teaches people new, more adaptive ways of thinking and acting, based on the assumptions that thoughts intervene between events and our emotions reactions .

- the study of the effect of drugs on mind and behavior
-Antipsychotic drugs, are class of medicines used to treat psychosis and other mental and emotional conditions
- theses drugs (thorozine) lose a total control

Antianxiety Drugs
-include drugs like Valium and Librium
-like alcohol they depress nervous systems activities
-most world wide abused drugs
-anti depressant drug
-lift you up out of depression neutron smitter,
- a way of blocking out serotonin, take Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft

bio medical therapy in which belief electric current is sent through the brain of an patient

VI Schizophrenic Disorders

About 1 in 100 people are diagnosed with schizophrenia
symptoms include
  • disorganized thinking
  • disturbed perceptions
  • inappropriate emotions and actions
Disorganized thinking
  • bizarre and disserted with false beliefs
  • comes from a break down in selective attention cannot filter out information
  • Delusions of perspective
  • Hallucinations- sensory experiences without sensory stimulation
Inappropriate Emotions and Actions
  • laughs at inappropriate times
  • flat effect
  • senseless, compulsive act
  • catatonia-motionless
Positive v. Negative
  • positive
    • hallucinations
    • disorganized thinking
    • diluted (salad)
    • inappropriate, laughter, tears, rage
  • Negative
    • toneless voice
    • expressionless face
    • mute, rigid body
Disorganized Schizophrenia
  • speech or behavior flat o inappropriate emotion
  • "imagine the worst"
  • clang associations
Paranoid Schizophrenia
  • preoccupation with delusions or hallucinations
  • somebody is out to get me
Catatonic Schizophrenia
  •  Flat effect
  • wax flexibility
  • parrot like repeating of another's speech and movements
Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
  • many and varied symptoms   

III Dissocrative disorders

  • these disorders involve a disruption in the conscious process
Three types
Psychogenic Amnesia
  • A person cannot remember things with no physical basis for the disruption in memory
  • Retrograde Amnesia
  • Not organic amnesia
Dissociative Fugue 
  • People with psychogenic amnesia find themselves in an unfamiliar environment
Dissociative Identity Disorder 
  • Used to be known as multiple personality disorder
  • a person has several rather than one integrated personality    
  • People with DID commonly have a history of childhood abuse or trauma
IV Mood Disorder
  • Experience extreme or inappropriate emotion
Major Depression
  • A.K.A Unipolar depression
  • Unhappy for at least 2 weeks with no apparent cause
  • Depression is the commonly cold of psychology disorders
Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Experience depression during the winter months
  • based not on temperature but on amount of sunlight
  • treated with sunlight
Bipolar Disorder
  • formally manic depression
  • involve period of depression and manic episode
  • Manic episodes involve feelings of high energy

Personality Disorder
  • well established maladaptive ways of behavior that negatively affect peoples ability to function
  • Dominates there personality
Antisocial Disorder
  • lack of empathy
  • little regard for others feelings
  • view the words hostile and for themselves
Dependent personality Disorder
  • Rely too much on the attention and help of others
Histrionic Personality Disorder
  • Needs to be the center of attention
  • whether acting silly or dressily provocatively
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  • having an unwanted sense of self importance
  • thinking that you are the center of attention .  

Anxiety Disorders

  • A group of conditions what the primary symptoms are anxiety or defense against anxiety
  • The patient fears something awful will happen to them
  • They are in a state of intense apprehension uneasiness
  • certainty , or fear
  • A person experiences sudden episodes of intense dread
  • must be an irrational fear
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • An anxiety disorder a person is continuously tense, apprehension and in state in a automomic nervous system arousal
  • Constantly tense and worried feels inadequate is over sensitive cant concentrate and suffer from insomnia
Panic Disorder
  • An anxiety disorder marked by a minute-long episode of intense dread in which a person experiences terror and accompanying chest pain choking and other frightening sensation 
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Persistent unwanted thoughts (obsession) cause some one to feel the need engage in a particular action
  • obsession about dirt and germs may lead to compulsive hand washing
Post-Traumatic Disorder aka PTSD
  • Flashbacks or nightmares following a person's involvement in or observation of an extremely stressful event
  • memories of the even cause anxiety
Somatoform Disorder
  • occur when a person manifest a psychological problem through a physiological symptoms
  1. Hypochondriasis
  •  frequent physical complaints for which medical doctors are unable to locate the cause
  • they usually  believe that the minor issues (head aches, upset stomachs) these indicating a severe illness
Conversion Disorder
  • report the existence of severe physical problems with no biological reason
  • like blindness or paralysis

Psychological Disorders

  • a harmful dysfunction, which heavier is judged to be typical, disturbing, maladaptive, unjustifiable
  • what is abnormal
Early Theories
  • Afflicted people were possessed by evil spirits
  • mental disorders
  • medical perspective: a psychological disorders are sicknesses and can be diagnosed, treated and cured
  • perspective assumes biological, psychological and sociocultural factors combine to interact causing psychological disorders
  • used to be called Diathesis stress model: diathesis meaning predisposition and stress meaning environmental
DSM-IV: Diagnostic statical manual of mental disorders: Big book of disorders

Neurotic Disorders 
  • Distress but one can still function in society and act rationally
Psychotic Disorders
  • person loses contact with reality experiences  distorted perception 


  • Personality- An individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting.
  • Psychoanalytic Perspective- In his clinical practice, Sigmund Frued encountered patients suffering from nervous disorders. Their complaints could not be explained in terms of purely physical causes.
  • Frued's clinical experience led him to develop the first comprehensive theory of personality, which included the unconscious mind, psychosesxual stages, and defense mechanisms.
  • Exploring the unconscious- A reservoir (unconscious mind) of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories. Frued asked patients to say whatever came to their minds (free association) in order to tap the unconscious. 
  • Dream Analysis- Another method to analyze the unconscious mind is through interpreting manifest and latent contents of dreams. 
  • Psychoanalysis- The process of free association (chain of thoughts) leads to painful, embarrassing unconscious memories. Once these memories are retrieved and released (treatment: psychoanalysis) the patient feels better. 
  • Model of mind- The mind is like an iceberg.  It is mostly hidden, and below the surface lies the unconscious mind.  The preconscious stores temporary memories. 
  • Personality Structure- Personality develops as a result of our efforts to resolve conflicts between our biological impulses (id) and social restraints (superego).
  • Id, Ego, and Superego- The id unconsciously strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives, operating on the pleasure principle, demanding immediate gratification.
  • Personality Development- Frued believed that personality formed during the first few years of life divided into psychosexual stages.  During these stages the id's pleasure-seeking energies focus on pleasure sensitive body areas called erogenous zones. 
  • Frued's Psychosexual Stages
    • Oral (0-18 months)- Pleasure centers on the mouth- sucking, biting, chewing.
    • Anal (18-36 months)- Pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination; coping with demands of control.
    • Phallic (3-6 years)- Pleasure zone is the genitals; coping with incestuous sexual feelings
    • Latency (6- puberty)- Dormant sexual feelings
    • Genital (puberty on)- Maturation of sexual interests
  • Oedipus Complex A- boy's sexual desire for his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father.  A girl's desire for her father is called the Electra complex.
  • Identification- Children cope with threatening feelings by repressing them and by identifying with the rival parent.  Through this process of identification, their superego gains strength incorporates their parents' values. 
  • Defense Mechanisms- The ego's protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality.

    1. Repression banishes anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories from consciousness.
    2. Regression leads an individual faced with anxiety to retreat to a more infantile psychosexual stage.
    3. Reaction formation causes the ego to unconsciously switch unacceptable impulses into their opposites.  People may express feelings of purity when they may be suffering anxiety from unconscious feelings about sex.
    4. Projection leads people to disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others.
    5. Rationalization offers self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one's actions.
    6. Displacement shifts sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person, redirecting anger toward a safer outlet. 
  • The Neo-Freudians

    • Like Frued, Alfred Alder believed in childhood tensions.  However, these tensions were social in nature and not sexual.  A child struggles with an inferiority complex during growth and strives for superiority and power. 
    • Like Alder, Karen Horney believed in the social aspects of childhood growth and development.  She cuntered Freud's assumption that women have weak superegos and suffer from "penis envy."
    • Carl Jung believed in the collective unconscious, which contained a common reservior of images derived from our species past.  This is why many cultures share certain myths and images such as the mother being a symbol of nurturance. 
  • Assessing Unconscious Processes
    • Evaluating personality from an unconscious mind''s perspective would require a psychological instrument (projective tests) that would reveal the hidden unconscious mind.
  • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
    • Developed by Henry Murray, the TAT is a projective test in which people express their inner feelings and interests through the stories they make up about ambiguous scenes. 
  • Rorschach Inkblot Test- The most widely used projective test uses a set of 10 inkblots and was designed by Hermann Rorschach.  It seeks to identify people's inner feelings by analyzing their interpretations of the blots.
  • Projective tests: criticisms- Critics argue that projective tests lack both reliability (consistency of results) and validity (predicting what it is supposed to).
  • Evaluating the psychanalytical Perspective
    • Personality develops throughout life and is not fixed in childhood.
    • Frued underemphasized peer influence on the individual, which may be as powerful as parental influence.
    • Gender identity may develop before 5-6 years of age. 
    • There may be other reasons for dreams besides with fulfillment.
    • Verbal slips can be explained on the basics of cognitive processing of verbal choices.
    • Suppressed sexuality leads to psychological disorders.  Sexual inhibition has decreased, but psychological disorders have not.
    • Frued's psychoanalytic theory rests on the repression of painful experiences into the unconscious mind.
  • The modern Unconscious Mind
    • Modern research shoes the existence of non-conscious information processing.  This involves
      1. Schemas that automatically control perceptions and interpretations
      2. The right-hemisphere activity that enables the split brain patient's left hand to carry out an instruction the patient cannot verbalize
      3. Parallel processing during vision and thinking
      4. Implicit memories
      5. Emotions that activate instantly without consciousness
      6. Self-concept and stereotypes that unconsciously influence us. 
  • Evaluating the Psychoanalytic Perspective
    • The scientific merits of Frued's theory have been criticized.  Psychoanalysis is meagerly testable. Most of its concepts arise out of clinical practice, which are the after-the-fact explanation.
    • Humanistic Perspective- By the 1960's, psychologists became discontent with Frued's negativity and the mechanistic psychology of the behaviorists
    • Self-Actualizing Person- Maslow proposed that we as individuals are motivated by a hierarchy of needs.  Beginning with physiological needs, we try to reach the state of self-actualization- fulfilling our potential.

  • Person-Centered Perspective- Carl Rogers also believed in an individual's self-actualization tendencies.  He said that Unconditional Positive Regard is an attitude of acceptance of others despite their failings. 
  • Assessing the self- In an effort to assess personality, Rogers asked people to describe themselves as they would like to be (ideal) and as they actually are (real).  If the two descriptions were close the individual had a positive self-concept.
  • All of our thoughts are feelings about ourselves, in an answer to the question, "Who am I?" refers to self concept. 
  • Evaluating the Humanistic Perspective- Humanistic psychology has a pervasive impact on counseling, education, child-rearing, and management with its emphasis on a positive self-concept, empathy, and the though that people are basically good and can improve.
    1. Concepts in humanistic psychology are vague and subjective and lack scientific basis.
    2. The individualism encouraged can lead to self-indulgence, selfishness, and an erosion of moral restraints.
    3. Humanistic psychology fails to appreciate the reality of our human capacity for ___. It lacks adequate balance between realistic optimism and despair.
  • The Trait Perspective- An individual's unique collection of durable dispositions and consistent ways of behaving (traits) constitutes his or her personality.
  • Examples of Traits
    1. Honest
    2. Dependable 
    3. Moody 
    4. Impulsive
  • Exploring Traits- Each personality is uniquely made up of multiple traits.  Allport and Odbert (1936, identified almost 18,000 words representing traits.  One way to condense the immense lists of personality traits is through factor analysis, a statistical approach used to describe and relate personality traits.
  • Factor Analysis

    • Hans and Sybil Eysenck suggested that personality could be reduced down to two polar dimensions, extroversion-introversion and emotional stability-instability. 

  • Biology and Personality- Personality dimensions are influenced by genes.  
    1. Brain-imaging procedures show that extroverts seek stimulation because their normal brain arousal is relatively low. 
    2. Genes also influence out temperament and behavior style.  Differences in children's shyness and inhibition may be attributed to autonomic nervous system reactivity.
  • Assessing Traits- Personality inventories are questionnaires (often with true-false or agree-disagree items) designed to gauge a wide range of feelings and behaviors assessing several traits at once. 
  • MMPI- The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is the most widely researched and clinically used dof all personality tests.  It was originally developed to identify emotional disorders.
  • The Big Five Factors- today's trait researchers believe that earlier trait dimensions, such as Eysencks' personality dimensions, fail to tell the whole story.  So, an expanded range (five facrors) of traits does a better job of assessment.  

  • Questions of the Big Five
    1. How stable are these traits? Questionable in adulthood. However, they change over development.
    2. How heritable are they? Fifty percent or so for each trait.
    3. How about other cultures? These traits are common across cultures. 

Evaluating the trait perspectives- The Person-Situation Controversy Walter Mischel (1968,1984, 2004) points out traits may be enduring, but the resulting behaviors in various situations is different. Therefore, traits are not good predictors of behavior.

The Person-situation Controversy- Trait theorists argue the behaviors from situations may be different, but average behavior remains the same. Therefore, traits matter.

Traits are socially significant and influence our health, thinking, and performance.

Consistency of Expressive style

Expressive styles in speaking and gestures demonstrate trait consistency. Observers are able to judge people’s that behaviors and feelings in as little as 30 seconds and in one particular case as little as 2 seconds.

Social-Cognitive Perspective

Bandura (1986, 2001, 2005) believes that personality is the result of an interaction that takes place between a person and their social context.

Individuals & Environments

Specific ways in which individuals and environments interact

1.     Different peoples choose different environments

2.     Our personality’s shape how we react

3.     Our personalities shape situations

Behavior – behavior emerges from an interplay of external and internal influences

Personal Control

Social-cognitive psychologists emphasizes our sense of personal control, whether we control the environment or the environment control refers to the perception chance or external loss of control refers to the perception that chance of chance of outside forces beyond our personal control determines our fate internal loss of control refers to the perception that we can control our own fate

Learned Helplessness

When unable to avoid repeated adverse events an animal or human helplessness

Optimism vs. Pessimism

An optimistic or pessimistic attritional style is your way of explaining positive or negative events. Positive psychology aims to discover and promote conditions that enable individuals and communities to thrive.

Positive Psychology and Humanistic Psychology

Such as humanistic psychology such as humanistic, attempts to foster human fulfillment. Positive psychology, in addition seeks positive social groups.

Assessing behavior in Situations

Realistic and simulated situations because they find that it is the best way to predict the behavior of others in similar situations.

Evaluating the Social-cognitive Perspective

The social cognitive psychologist pay a lot of attention to the situations and pay less attention to the individuals his unconscious mind his emotions and genetics

Exploring the self

Research on the self has a long history because the self organizes thinking feeling and actions and is a critical part of our personality

1.      Research focuses on the different selves we possess. Some we possess and others we dread

2.     Researchers studies  how we overestimate our concern that others evaluate our appearance, performance, and blunders (spotlight effect)

Benefits of self esteem
Maslow and Rogers argued that a successful life results from healthy self-image. The following are two reasons why low self-esteem results in personal problems.

1.      When self-esteem is deflated, we view ourselves and others critically.

2.     Low self-esteem reflects reality our failure in meeting challenges, or surmounting difficulties


Culture & self-esteem


People maintain their self-esteem even with a low status by valuing things they achieve and comparing themselves to people with similar positions


Self-Serving Bias

We accept responsibility for good deeds and success more than for bad deeds and failures. Defensives self-esteem is fragile and egotistic whereas secure self-esteem is less fragile and less dependent on external evaluation