Two Theories
* Leptin is a protein produced by bloated fat cells.
* hypothalamus senses reises in leptin and will curb eating and increase activity
*can leptin injections help me?
Set Point
* Hypothalamus acts like a thermostat.
* We are meant to be in a certain weight range
*when we fall below weight our body will increase hunger and decrease energy expenditure (Basic Metabolic Rate)
Body Chemistry
* Glucose
* The hormone insulin converts glucose to fat.
* When glucose levels drop-hunger increases.
Hypothalamus & Hormones
* the hypothalamus monitors a number of hormones that are related to hunger.
Orexin increase
Ghrelin increases
Insuline increases
Leptin increase
PPY increase
Fat cells
Digestive tract
Increase hunger
Increase hunger
Increase hunger
Decrease hunger
Decrease hunger
The Psychology of Hunger
*Externals: people whose eating is triggered more by the presence of food than internal factors
Eating Disorder
Bulimia Nervosa
* characterized by binging (eating large amounts of food and purging ( getting rid of the food)
Anorexia Nervosa
* Starce themselves to below 85% of their normal body weight.
*see themselves as fat
* vast mahority are woman
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