Monday, February 10, 2014

Experiment Research

* Explores cause and effect relationships
Ex. Eating too many bananas causes constipation

* Experimentation is all about manipulating and controlling variables
Independent variable- the experimental factore that is being manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied
Dependent variable- the variable that may change in response to manipulations of IV; the variable that is being measured
Experimental and Control Group
* Experimental group- The condition of an experiment that exposes participants to the treatment.
* Control Group- the condition of the experiment that serves as a comparison for evaluating the effect of the treatment.
Experimental Method
* Blind study: subject are unaware if assigned to experimental or control group
* Double-Blind study: neither subjects nor experimenters know which group is control or experimental
Descriptive statistics VS inferential Statistics
* Descriptive statistics- describe the results of research
* inferential- statistics are used to make an inference or draw a conclusion beyond the raw data.
Measures of Central Tendency
*Central Tendency: Where does the center of the data tend to be?
*Mode: The most frequently occuring score in distribution
*Mean- the arithmetic average of scores in all distribution
*Median: the Middle score in a rank- ordered distribution
*Range: the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution
Measures of variation

Standard Deviation: computed measures of how much vary around the mean
Descriptive Satistics Summary
* Measures of Central

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