- Roots of psychology can be traced back 2000 years ago to early philosophers, brought and psychologist of ancient Greece
- Greek psychologist that thought the mind or soul resided in the bran
- He believed that it was not composed of physical substance
- This is called mind-body-dualism-seeing mind and body as two different things that interact
- (350 B.C)- Greek philosopher tat believed that who we are what we know are innate (unborn)
- Plato's student. believed that whole are and what we know are acquired from experience.
- he also believed in manism0 seeing mind and bod as different aspects f the same thing
About 2000 years later, John Locke and Rene Descartes had a similar argument
- John Locke- Believed that knowledge comes from observation, ad what we know comes from experience
- he coined the term "tabula vasa"- blank slate.
- "the mind is like a black slate in which the environment writes upon."
Rene Descartes
- believed that what we know is innate
- "I think therefore I am"
Nature V. Nurture Controversy
- Nature- certain elementary ideals are innate to the human mind; not gained through experience.
- "men are born, not made"
- Nurture: Anything that we know, we have learned through experience
- "men are made not born"
Wilhelm Wundt- 1879 university of Leipzig
- psychology's first experiment, birth at a science.
- established first psychology lab
- introspection looking inwards
- Wundt, titcher, hall
- uses introspection to explore the structural elements of the mind
- break down mental processes into most basic parts
- reaction to structuralism
- how do they enable us to adapt to survive, and flourish
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