Tuesday, February 25, 2014
The Just World Phenonmenon
It is believed that those who suffere deserve there fate
*Reciprocity norm- expectation to help those who have helped you
*Social Responsibility- the expectation that people will help those who depened on them
*prisoners dilemma, you don't know what the other is confessing.
Attraction 5 factors
Proximity- Geographic nearness
Mere exposure effect
* repeated exposure to something breeds liking
Mirror image concept.
Reciprocal Liking
* you are more likely to like someone who likes you
* Paula Abdul was wrong-opposites do not attract.
*birds of the same feather do flock together
*similarity breeds content
Physical Attractiveness
* physically attractiveness predicts dating frequency
* healthier, happier, and honest.
* Passionate love- an aroused state of intense positive for another
* Compassionate love- the deep affectionate attachment we feel for those with whom our lives are intertwined.
What makes compassionate love work?
* unselfish regard for the welfare of others.
*kitty genovese case
* bystander effect (bystanders less willing to help if there are other bystanders around)
Social Exchange Theory
* the idea that our social behavior is exchange proxess, which we maximise benefits and minimze costs.
*Give people superordinate (shared) goals that can only be achieved through cooperation
* win win situations through mediation
*Grit (graduated and repciprocated initiatives in tension reduction)
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