Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ratio Schedules

Operant conditoning
* takeing away things
* response
Classical conditioning
* stimulus occured before the behavior
Reinforcement , used to increase a desired behavior
Punishment, used to decrease a unwanted behavior
Fixed Ratio
* provides a reinforcement after a set number of responses
Variable ratio
Interval Schedules
Fixed interval
* requires a set amount of time to elapse before giving the reinforcment
Variable interval
*requires a random amount of time to elapse before giving the reinforcement
*very hard to get acquisition but also very resistant to extinction.
Observational Learning
*Albert Bandura
BoBo doll
* we learn through modeling behaviot from others.
*Obeservational learning + Operant conditioning= social learning Theory
Laten learning
* Edward Toleman
* Three rat experiment
* Latent means hidden.
*sometimes learning is not immeditate
Insight Learning
* wolfgang Kohler and his chimpanzees.
* some animals learn though the "ah ha" experience.

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