* inborn automatic responses
*rooting, tendency, when touched by the cheek to open mouth and search for the nipple
* physical growth regardless of environment
* the period of sexual maturation during which a person becomes capable of reproducing.
Primary Sexual Characteristics
* Body structure that make reproduction possible.
* penis, testes, vagina ovaries
Secondary sexual Characteristics
* Non-reproductive sexial chracteristics
Females- widening of the hips, breast development
Males- hair, and deeper voice
Landmarks for puberty
* Menarche for girls
*first ejaculation for boys (spermarche)
Physical Milestone
* Menopause, they can't have children, no period
* Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's
Stages of Death/Grief
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
Social Development
* at about a year, infant develp Stranger anxeity.
* display anxiety.
* seperation anxeity- seperation leaves sociological promblems
* Harry Harlow and his monkeys .
* Harry showed that Monkeys needed touch to form attachment.
Critical Periods: the optimal period shortly after birth when an organisms exposure to certain stimuli or experiences produced proper development.
* those who are deprived of touch have a trouble forming attachment when they are older
Types of Attachment
Mary Ainsworth strange situation.
1. Secure
2. Avoidant
3. Anxious/ ambivalent
Parenting Styles
* Authoritarian Parents - parents are the boss
* Permissive Parents. - the kids are in charge
* Authoritative Parents - parents and kids compromise
Erik Erikson
* A neo-Freudian
* worked in Anna Freud
* though our personality was influenced by our experienxes.
Trust vs. Mistrust
0-2 years of stage
* can a baby trust the world to fulfill its needs"
* the trust or mistrust they develop can carry on with the child
Autonomy V. Shame & Douby
* Toddlers begin to control their bodies (toilet training)
* control Temper Tantrums
* "No"
* can they learn control or will they doubt themselves.
Initiative V. Guilt
* Word turns from "No" to "why"
* want to understand the world and ask questions.
* is there curiousity encouraged or scolded
Industry V. Inferiority
* school begins
* we are for the first time evaluated by a formal system and our peers.
* do we feel good or bad about accomplishments?
* can lead to us feeling bad about ourseleves for the rest of our lives... inferiority complex.
Identity C. Role Confusion.
* In our teenage years we try out different roles.
* who am I?
* what group do I fit in with?
Intimacy V. Insolation.
* have to balance work and relationships.
* what are my priorities?
Generativity V. Stagnation
* is everything going as planned?
* am I happy with what I Created.
* Mid-Life crisis
Integrity V. Despair
* Look back on life
* was my life
meaningful or do I have regret?
Cognitive Development
* it was though that kids were just stupid versions of adults.
* then came along Jean Paiget
* kids learn differently than adults.
If you think about the steps of dealing with death, it is actually pretty cool that almost everyone goes through the same phases, and regardless of if you are skipping steps or not, you are always somewhere along the same lines of everyone else that is going through what you are.