Thursday, April 24, 2014


* The process of information into the memory

* the retention of encoded material over time.
* pressing Crtl S and saving info

* Process of getting the information out of memory storage

Recall v. Recognition
*with recall - you must retrive the information from your memory (fill in the blank test)
*with recognition- you must identify the target from possible targets (multiple-choice test)

Flashbulb Memory
* A clear moment of an emotionally significant moment or event

Types of Memory
* Sensory Memory
* Short term memory

Sensory Memory
*immediate, initial recording of sensory information in the memory system
* stored just for an instant and most gets unprocessed

Short term Memory
* memory that holds a few items breifly
* seven digits (plus of minus two)
*the info will be stored into longer term or forgotten.

Working memory
*antoher way of describing the use of short term is called working memory
* working- memory has three parts
1. Audio
2. Visual
3. Integration of audio and visual (controls where you attention lies)

Long Term Memory
* the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system

Automatoc Processing
*unconscious encoding of incidental information
* you encode space, tome and word meaning withour effort
* things can become automatic with practice

Effortful Processing
*Encoding that requires attention and conscious effort
*Rehearsal is the most common effortful processing technique
* Through enough rehearsal, what was effortful become automatic

Next in line effect
* we seldom remember what the person has just said or done if we are next

Spacing effect
* we encode better when we study or practice over times

Serial Postioning effect
* Our tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list.

Types of encoding
* semantic encoding : the encoding of meaning like the meaning of words

* acoustic encoding: the encoding of sound, especially the sounds of words

* visual encoding: the encoding of picture images

Tricks to Encode
* Use Imagery: mental pictures
Mnemonic Devices use Imagery. Like my "peg word" system or...

* Organizing items into familiar manageable units

* Explicit
(With conscious recall
* fact-gerneral knowledge
* Personally experienced events

* with out concious recall
* skulls motor cognitive
*classical and operant conditioning effects

Types of Retrieval Failure
Proactive Interference
*the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information

Types of Retrieval failure
*Retroactive Interference
* The disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information.

Misinformation Effect
*incorporating misleading information into ones memory of an event

Thursday, April 10, 2014


* receptors located in our skin
* Gate Control Theory of Pain
* the spinal cord a neuralogical gate that blocks, pain signals, or allows them to pass on to the brain

Vestibular Sense
* tells us where our body is oriented in spac
*Our sense of balance

Kinesthetic Sense
* Tells us where our body parts are.
* Receptirs locate in our muscles and joints.

* the process or organizing and interpreting information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events.

Gestalt Philosophy
* the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Figure Ground Relationships
* The organization of the visual field into objects (figures)
That stand out from their surroundings

* The perceptual tendency to organize stimuli into groups that we understand

Depth Perception
* the ability to see objects in three dimenstions although the images that strike the retina are two dimesional
* allows us to judge distance

*visual cliff

Binocular Cues
* Rentinal Disparity: a binocular cue for seeing depth
* the closer an object comes to you the greater the dispairty is between the two images

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Transduction Continued

Order is Rods/Cones to Bipolar to Ganglion to Optic never

Paralle processong

Color vision
* Three types of cones
* red
* these three types of cones can make millions of combinations of colors.
*most colorblind people simply lack cone receptor cells for one or more of these primary

Opponetnt-Process theory
*the sensory receptors
* if one color is stimulated

*the height of wave gives us the amplitude of the sound
* the frequency of the wave gives us the pitch of the sound

The Ear

Transductions in the ear
* sound waves hit the eardrum
Then anvil then hammer then
Stirrup then oval window
* everything is just vibrating
* then the cochlea viberates
* the cochlea is lined with mucus called basilar membrane.
* in basilar membrane there are hair cells.
* when hair cells vibrate they turn vibrations into neural impilses which are called organ of Corti
* sent then to the thalamus up auditory nerve

Pitch theory
Place theory
* different hairs vibrate in the cochlea when there are different pitches.
*so some hair vibrate when they hear high pitches and other viberate when they hear low pitches.

Frequency Theory
* all the hairs vibrate but all different speeds.

Conduction Deafness
* something goes wrong with the sound and the vibration on the way to the cochlea
* you can replace the bones or get hearing aid to help

Nerve (sensorineural) Deafness
* the hair cells in the cochlea get dammaged
* loud noises can cough this type of deafness
*NO WAY to replace the hairs
* cochlea implant is possible

Smell and Taste
* Sensory Interaction: the princeple that one sense may influence another.

* we have bumps on our tongue called papillae
* Taste buds are located on the papillae ( they are actually all over the mouth*
*sweet, salty, sour, and bitter, hot spicy,
UMAMI- flavorful, meaty, saviory taste pollo asido

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Types of intelligence

Crystallized Intelligence
* Accumulated knowledge.
* Increases with age.
Fluid Intelligence
* Ability to solve problems quickly and think abstractly
* peaks in the 20's then decreases over time
Moral Development
* Three Stage Theory by Lawrence Kohlberg!!
Pre-Conventional Morality
* morality based on rewards and punishments
* if you were rewarded then it is OK.
* If you are punished, the act must be wrong.
Conventional Morality
*Look at morality based on how others see you
* if your peers, or society, thinks it is wrong, then so do you.
Post-Conventional Morality
* Based on self-defined ethical principles
* your own personal set of ethics.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


* children view the world through schemas ( as do adults for the most part)
* schemas are ways we interpret the world around us
* it is basically what you picture in your head when you think of anything
* incorporating new experiences
* changing an existing schema to adopt to new information
Stages of cognitive development
* sensorimotor stage
* experiences the world through our senses
* do not have object permanence
Preoperational Stage
* have object permanence
* begin to use language to represent objects and ideas
* Egocentric: cannot look at the world through anyones eyes but their own.
* conservation refers to the idea that a quantity remains the same despotr changes in appearance and Is part of logical thinking.
Concrete Operational Stage
* can demonstrate concept of conservation
* learn to logically
Formal Operational Stage
* abstract reasoning
*manipulate objects in our minds without seeing them
* hypothesis testing
* trial and Error
* metacognition
* not every adult gets to this stage

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


* inborn automatic responses
*rooting, tendency, when touched by the cheek to open mouth and search for the nipple

* physical growth regardless of environment

* the period of sexual maturation during which a person becomes capable of reproducing.

Primary Sexual Characteristics
* Body structure that make reproduction possible.
* penis, testes, vagina ovaries

Secondary sexual Characteristics
* Non-reproductive sexial chracteristics
Females- widening of the hips, breast development
Males- hair, and deeper voice
Landmarks for puberty
* Menarche for girls
*first ejaculation for boys (spermarche)

Physical Milestone
* Menopause, they can't have children, no period

* Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's
Stages of Death/Grief
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

Social Development
* at about a year, infant develp Stranger anxeity.
* display anxiety.
* seperation anxeity-  seperation leaves sociological promblems

* Harry Harlow and his monkeys .
* Harry showed that Monkeys needed touch to form attachment.

Critical Periods: the optimal period shortly after birth when an organisms exposure to certain stimuli or experiences produced proper development.
* those who are deprived of touch have a trouble forming attachment when they are older

Types of Attachment
Mary Ainsworth strange situation.
1. Secure
2. Avoidant
3. Anxious/ ambivalent

Parenting Styles
* Authoritarian Parents - parents are the boss
* Permissive Parents. - the kids are in charge
* Authoritative Parents - parents and kids compromise

Erik Erikson
* A neo-Freudian
* worked in Anna Freud
* though our personality was influenced by our experienxes.

Trust vs. Mistrust
0-2 years of stage
* can a baby trust the world to fulfill its needs"
* the trust or mistrust they develop can carry on with the child

Autonomy V. Shame & Douby
* Toddlers begin to control their bodies (toilet training)
* control Temper Tantrums
* "No"
* can they learn control or will they doubt themselves.

Initiative V. Guilt
* Word turns from "No" to "why"
* want to understand the world and ask questions.
* is there curiousity encouraged or scolded

Industry V. Inferiority
* school begins
* we are for the first time evaluated by a formal system and our peers.
* do we feel good or bad about accomplishments?
* can lead to us feeling bad about ourseleves for the rest of our lives... inferiority complex.

Identity C. Role Confusion.
* In our teenage years we try out different roles.
* who am I?
* what group do I fit in with?

Intimacy V. Insolation.
* have to balance work and relationships.
* what are my priorities?

Generativity V. Stagnation
* is everything going as planned?
* am I happy with what I Created.
* Mid-Life crisis

Integrity V. Despair
* Look back on life
* was my life
meaningful or do I have regret?

Cognitive Development
* it was though that kids were just stupid versions of adults.
* then came along Jean Paiget
* kids learn differently than adults.