Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Cerebrat Cortex is made up of four lobes

Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Occipital Lobe, and Temporal Lobe
Frontal Lobe
*Abstract thought emotional control
*Containes Motor Cortex: sends signals to our body controlling muscle movements
*Broca's: Responsible for controlling muscles that porduce speech
* Damage to Broca's Area is called Broca's Aphasia: unable to make movments to talk
Parietal Lobes:
*Contain sensory cortex: receives incoming touch sensations from the rest of the body
* Most od the parietal lobes are made up of Association Areas
Assiociation Areas:
* any area not associated with receving sensory information of coordinating muscle movements.
Occipital Lobes
* deals with vision contains Visuals Cortex.
*interperts messages from our eyes into images we can understand.
Temporal Lobes
* Process sound sensed by our ears.
* Interpreted in audiory cortex
* Contains Wernike's Area: interprets written and spoken speech.
* Wernike's Aphasia: unable to understand language: the syntax and grammar jumbled.
Endocrine System
*System of glands that screte hormones.
*similar to nervous system except hormones work a lot slower than neurotansmitters.
Hypothalamus: (brain region controlling the pituitary gland)
Thyroid gland: affects metabolism among other things
Pituitary Gland: Secretes many different hormones, somes of which affects other gland
Parathyroids:(help regulate the level of calcium in the blood)
Adrenal Glands:( inner part called the medulla, helps trigger the "fight or flight" response
Pancreas: regulates the level of sugar in the blood
Testis: male sex hormones
Ovary: femal sex hormones

Monday, March 17, 2014


* Located in back of our head-means little brain.
*coordinates muscle movements
*like tracking target

* In Forebrain
* Receives sensory information sends them to appropriate areas of forebrain.
* Like a switchboard.
* Everything but smell

Limbic System
* Emotional control center
* Made up of hypothalamus, Amygdala and Hippocampus

* Pea sized in brain but plays a not so peasized role.
* Body temperature
* Hunger
* Thirst
* Sexual Arousal (libido)

Hippocampus and Amygdala
* Hippocampus- is involved in memory processing
*Amygdala- is vital for our basic emotions

Cerebral Cortex
* Top layer of our brain
* Containes wrinkles called fissures increases surface area of our preain.
* Laid out it would be about the size of a large pizza

* divided into a left and right hemispher
*a contralateral controlled left controls right side of bodt and vice versa
* Lefties are better at spatial and creative tasks
* righties are better are better at logic

Split-Brain Patients
* Corpus Collosum attaches the two hemispheres of cerebral cortex
*when removed you have a split-brain patient.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Biological School

The Nervous System
* it starts with an individual nerve cell called a NEURON
Neurotrainmitters (chemicals held in terminal buttons that travel through synaptic gap)
Terminal branches of axons (form junctions with other cells)
Cells body (the cels life support center
Dendrites (receive messages from other cells)
Axon (passages message away from the cell body to other neurons muscles or glands)
Myelin sheath (covers the axon of some neurons and helps speed neural impulses
Neural impulse ( electrical signal traveling down the axon)
Synapse allows a electrical singel to pass to another cell
How does a neuron fire
* Resting Potential:
* slightly negative charge
*Reach the threshold when enough neurotranmitters reach dendrites
Its a eletrochemical process
* Electrical inside the neuron
* Chemical outside the neuron (in the synapse in the form of a neurotransmitter).
* The firing is call Action Potential.
The All or None Response
* the idea that either the n
* Chemical messengers released by terminal buttons through the synapse.
* we should know atleast 4 types
Acetylcholine (ACH)
* Deals with motor movement and memory.
*too much and you will
* too little and you will
* the lack of ACH been linked to Alzheimer's disease.
* Deals with Motor movements and alertness.
* Lack of dopamine has been linked to Parkinsons disease
* Too much has been linked to Schiophernia.
* Involved in mood control
* Lack of serotonin has been linked to clincial depression
* Involved in pain control.
* many of our most addictive drugs deal with endorphins
Drugs can be....
* Agonists... Make neuron fire
* Antagonists... Stop neural firing
Sensory Neurons
(Afferent Neurons)
*take information from the senses to the brain.
Inter Neurons
* Take messages from Sensory Neurons to other parts of the brain or to motor Neurons
Motor Neurons ( Efferent Neurons)
* take information from the brain to the rest of the body
Central Nervous System
* the brain and the spinal cord
Periheral Nervous system
* all nerves that are not encased in bone
*everything but the brain and spinal cord
*is divided into two categories... somatic and
Somatic Nervous System
*Controls Voluntary muscle movments
*uses motor (efferent) neurons
Autonomic Nervous System
* Controls the automatic functions of the body
*divided into two categories the symapatheic and Parasympathetic
Sympathetic Nervous System
*Fight or flight response
* Automatically accelerates heart rate, breathing, dilates, pupils, slows, down digestion

Monday, March 3, 2014

James-Lange Theory of Emotion

* Experience of emotion is awarness of physiological
responses to emotion arousing stimuli
*sight of oncoming car (perception of stimulus)
* pounding heart (arousal)
*fear (emotion)

* We feel emotion because of biological caused by stress.
* The body changes and our mind recognizes the feeling.

Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion
* Emotion-arousing stimuli simultaneously trigger:
* physiological responses
* subjective experience of emotion

Schachter's Two-Factor Theory of Emotion
* To experience emotion to one must:
* be physically aroused
* cognitively label the arousal

Emotion-Lie Detectors
* machine commonly used in attempts to detect lies
* measures several of the physiological responses accompanying emttion
    * perspiration
    * cardiovascular
    * breathing changes
Experienced Emotion
* emotional release
* catharsis hypothesis
  * "releasing" aggressive enerfy (through action or fantasy) relieves aggressive urges

Feel-good, Do-good Phenomenon
* people's tendency to be helpful when already in good mood.

Adaptation-Level Phenomenon
* tendency to form judgments relative to "neutral" level
  * brightness of lights
  * volume of sounds
  * level of income
* defined by our prior experienced

Relative Dprivation
* perception that one is worse of relative to those with whom one comapres oneself

Achievemnt Motivation

Instrinsic Motivators
* Rewards we get internally such as enjoyment or satisfaction
Extrinsic Motivators
* Rewards that we get for accomplishments from outside ourselves (grades or money or etc..)
Management Theory
Theory X
* Managers believes that employees will work only if rewarded with benefits or threatened with punishments.
* Think employees are Extrinsically Motivated.
* Only interested in Maslows lower need.
Theory Y
* Managers believe that employees are internally motivated to do good work and polices should encourage this internal motive.
* Interested in Maslow's higher needs.